Caitlin's last wishes.
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Hi, we are trying to raise funds to help a terminally ill young lady named Caitlin. We would like to fulfil some of her last wishes on her bucket list.
Caitlin's biggest wish is to be able to go abroad on holiday. Sadly she is unable to fly due to the complexity of her heart and lung condition and the cabin pressures. The only option we have is to take her by cruise which will prove expensive with the added expense of holiday insurance.
Caitlin was born with a severe heart condition called aorta stenosis and regurgatation of the mitral valve and leaky valves , also a hypoplastic left lung leaving her with only one lung working and needing oxygen and bi- pap at night.
Caitlin went through life saving surgery and at 3 and 6 weeks old and again age 6 years old, which did stablised the aorta for some time. We have now been told that the aorta as again narrowed and the doctors have upgraded the stages to severe from mild and moderate but this time it's become inoperable, leaving the doctor's to make the heartbreaking decision to withdraw treatment and to start palliative care treatment being told the longest you can live with severe aorta stenosis is 1-3 years.
At the age of 10 Caitlin was also diagnosed severe klipple-file sydrome, severe scoliosis kyphoscolosis and ovs a combination of health issue's that had never been seen before in our country rendering her unique.
Caitlin was unable to undergo any surgery to correct her spine due to her heart conditions and lives in constant pain and restricted mobility.
The hardest thing a parent had to do was listen to their daughter agree to a DNR, which she was sent home with only a few days ago.
Caitlin is a very strong, brave young lady and an inspiration to others. She has a smile that lights up the room and an infectious laugh with a wicked sense of humour that everyone loves. She has and still remain's to put up one almighty fight, and battles against all odd's, baffling the medical team along the way.
Now free of the medical team, that had been restricting what she could do for most of her life, she now would like to do some of the fun things she couldn't do.
We are hoping as a family that we can achieve at least this one last wish with the help and support of others to complete some of her bucket list before her health deteriorates anymore and see her continuing to smile.
Caitlins bucket list was travel Europe she would always talk about doing this from a very young age, however her life turned in a different direction beyond her control.
Her overall bucket list is to go on a cruise to visit spain, visit London, Scotland and Blackpool, spend lots of time with horses, have a spa day with her aunties , afternoon tea with her grandparents, and ride a motorbike, pull a pint in a pub, go to one last concert - namely the script and meet the cast on the cobbles for her shear love of soap's.
Thankyou for all your support, we really do appreciate it ❤
Samantha MacVicar