Caliber.Visuals from Car Crash to Beaten & Robbed
Hey I'm Caliber Visuals I'm 22 years old, freelance photographer in the music industry. July has been very rough for me at the beginning of the month on July 8th I was rear ended at a red light with by somebody on their phone going 45 and totaled my car, I've been going to physical therapy for weeks on my way to recovery,
I needed a mental break so I took sometime to go up north to Seattle and while I was in Seattle visiting a friend we were out and I needed to take a nap due to the car accident in the beginning of the month and on my walk back to my friends I was beaten and robbed of all my possessions such as iPhone 12, atleast $900 cash and a friends car keys that cost $700 to replace, and my wallet with my ID and all my debit cards. my friends found me unconscious laying on the ground. where the ambulance insisted to pick e up and rush me to the hospital. in the link below I will be sharing the video footage Seattle police posted that was caught on camera from a near by store. my left eyes was fractured and bleeding in my brain, when I got to the hospital I had to take multiple MRI's to make sure I didn't need surgery right away. Four days later im trying to stay positive with the facts im still here and able to move forward in life but I still find myself spitting up blood and severe headaches.
its normally out of my character to even ask for help like this but with being out of work and watching medical bills pile up it has gotten overwhelming for me. I turn 23 at the end of this month and wasn't expecting any of this to come about, I've had some great support from close friends and family which im highly thankful for but at this point I really just want to look forward to enjoying my birthday. anything helps, even a dollar or a share if no money to spare helps. I appreciate and love anybody who can help, stay safe and I hope to be back on my feet/back to work very soon.