Help support the GIRLBRAVE podcast! Thank you.
Brave means something different to each of us. Being brave can be as small as raising your hand in class or as big as speaking in front of the United Nations about climate change. On the GIRLBRAVE podcasts, you'll hear stories from a variety of girls and learn what they tell themselves to get over self-doubts and fears. Please support this project for so more and more girls to hear from their peers on life issues and realize they are not alone in their feelings.
Podcast Testimonials:
"I am a ten-year-old girl and this is epic! Anytime I find myself feeling uninspired, I come here and listen to the latest episodes. You make me feel like I CAN TRULY CHANGE THE WORLD. Way to go!"
"This podcast creates a unique space where young women speak to other young women. And listening to each tell her own story or share her slant on this world is no less than awesome! Bravo"
"Exactly what young girls need! Thank you for everything you're doing!"
Please help us continue producing these inspiring podcasts by donating today.
Listen to GIRLBRAVE Fest here: https://pincurlgirls.com/pages/girlbrave-podcast
Thank you,
Jen Landis