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Calvin Alexander Crosby Memorial Fund

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On December 31, 2021, New Years Eve, Calvin Crosby was working at the store that he and his younger cousin opened up together at Sunvalley Mall in Concord, CA. Later that afternoon, his cousin was approached by two individuals who fought to rob him. Calvin barring witness to this, jumped in to help and was met with two shots to the abdominal and chest areas. The suspects ran and his cousin, along with other good samaritans, were left to help as much as they could while Calvin profusely bled from his wounds.  After being shot at the mall and during his ride in the ambulance to John Muir Hospital of Walnut Creek, he was still awake and able to respond, but he crashed inside the emergency room where he went into cardiac arrest from the amount of blood loss. The doctors who performed surgery on him stated that as his heart stopped in surgery, he was unable to receive oxygen to his brain causing a “persistent vegetative state”. After much prayer and wishing for miracles a man who was a U.S. Army Veteran, a friend, a grandson, a son, a brother, a partner, a father figure/stepfather and most importantly a father to two amazing daughters whom he loved so much did not make it back to us. Calvin Alexander Crosby, passed away, January 26th, 5AM at John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek. He leaves behind his two daughters, (12) and (8), along with so many others who love him and who he impacted significantly. We all feel a huge loss and sense of emptiness with this senseless gun violence tragedy. Calvin was an amazing human who was always so selfless, courageous, loving, compassionate, funny, creative, and was able to look on the brighter side of things even when he wasn’t dealt the best hand in life. We will all continue to carry him with grace, spread his light and share his story because his legacy doesn’t end here!

Our families are asking for help in creating a fund for his daughters to access therapy and future educational expenses that he would have been there to provide for his girls .  Any amount is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your love, support and prayers. ♥️


  • Anonym
    • $25
    • 1 yr
  • Carla Tam
    • $50
    • 2 yrs
  • Edward Kirton
    • $10
    • 2 yrs
  • Tony Jennings
    • $100
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $20
    • 3 yrs


Kaja Anderson
Oakland, CA

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