Calvo Family Adoption
Our family is growing!!! Lehi and I along with Cecilia and Sofia are very excited to start the adoption process. We both would love more children but are not able to have more biological children. We feel very strongly that God has more children for us and He has led our hearts to adoption. Cecilia said she would love to be a big sister again and Sofia wants the chance to not be the little one! They both are SO great with their baby cousin and already can’t wait to help take care of and love a baby sibling! We are choosing to put faith over fear and go all in with joy, love and peace. One of the hardest parts of adoption is the financial piece. We are asking anyone that feels compelled to please help us make this possible. This cost covers the consulting services, the home study, the agency fees, all legal aspects, the baby's care and more. These funds will help us bring our baby home! The faster we are able to raise the funds, the faster we can sweep through each step. We appreciate absolutely every amount of money and we also really appreciate prayers! We are praying for our child, the child’s birth mom, our family through this process and for the financial piece to come together. God told us it’s time to move with this and we’re fully trust He will provide every aspect!
We will post updates as we move forward through this amazing process. Thank you so so much to all of you for your support and love!
We also have some other fundraising ideas in mind as well so be on the look out for those! (think photography, t-shirts, and cookies)