Funds to install cameras in Oakland, Chinatown
Hi Everyone,
We’ve been spreading awareness on anti-asian attacks and hope that our voices are being heard. I don’t know if there will ever be a true answer to this huge issue we’re facing. To try to help our community, we’ve started this fundraiser in hopes to have 24/7 surveillance cameras installed into the most necessary areas of Oakland, Chinatown. We may not be able to prevent these attacks but we can try to have them on footage so we can hold these criminals accountable. With video footage of these attacks, we can share this with our local police department and social media to capture them and give victims justice and a peace of mind.
We’re currently in contact with a few camera companies and distributors. We will try our best to get these cameras installed as soon as possible while Goliath’s security patrols Chinatown. We are strategically working on where we will install these cameras with the merchants/landlords. Merchants in Chinatown support this action in our next step to keeping Oakland Chinatown safer.
I’ve teamed up with a few friends who share the same genuine views as I do in trying to make chinatown a safe place again. My trusted team members, who are also individuals of the community, are using their personal time to help and WILL NOT be paying ourselves with any of these funds. Any amount of money that exceeds the goal will go into our next step process to starting a non profit organization to help improve the community in chinatown. Thank you all for your immense support in this journey! ♥️
For updates on this journey follow @inspirasianforus - https://instagram.com/inspirasianforus?igshid=1e6kd8sh37ajj
For news on attacks:
@dionlimtv - https://instagram.com/dionlimtv?igshid=gj8pbuwnf2lb
@jackfrootx - https://instagram.com/jackfrootx?igshid=1fx6fx3m50yuu
#aapi #stopaapihate #stopasianhate