Cameron and Debbie Tabor’s house fire
Tuesday morning while my parents were at work, their home caught fire. The mail delivery person saw that the house was on fire and called emergency services right away. I am so heartbroken for them. This is something you just don’t ever want to think about happing. All of their belongings in the home have been compromised, either destroyed by the fire or from water and/or smoke damage.
My Mom and Dad are two of the most amazing people I know. I am thankful for all the memories we have in this home, and that soon we’ll make new memories on this land.
My husband and children and myself spent so much time here, I feel like it was my home that caught fire. Please consider donating to help
ease the burden for them with all the expenses that will come with rebuilding and moving forward with their lives. Every little bit helps.
We thank the Lord that no people or animals lives were lost in the fire. Please continue to pray for them during this time.