Campersand '23 Scholarships For Patrons
Donation protected
Hello All!
It's Amanda & Michael from Team AFP here, writing to tell you that we are thrilled to announce that Campersand '23 (our hopefully annual patron-only gathering) is happening from July 2nd - 7th and registration will be open the week of Feb 6th. There is a post with all the details on Amanda's Patreon, here.
This is a fund that ANYONE can donate towards (patrons or not!) to help build up a scholarship fund to send up to 15 Amanda Palmer patrons to camp this year!
Four years ago - in the summer of 2019 - about 50+ patrons got together at the Omega Institute retreat center in Upstate New York, along with Amanda, Team AFP and a small collection of bodyworkers and workshop leaders....and, short story, we had a BLAST. We talked, we ate, we swam, we stayed up til all hours getting to know one another. It really helped build an important part of this Dresden Dolls/AFP community which is so often connected only via screen and internet.
BUT, obviously, not everybody can afford this kind of thing. An all-inclusive 5 day-stay at a Retreat Center is not a cheap undertaking so we've created this GoFundMe as a Scholarship to help out 10-15 people who otherwise might not be able to attend due to financial reasons.
Since so many patrons want to come but don't have funds, and since so many patrons have already put their hands up to donate towards the cause: VOILA! We are the bridge: we have set up this fund so that patrons can help patrons.
The money raised here will go 100% towards Campersand '23 Scholarships and if we surpass our outside goal of fully funding 15 scholarships we will put any additional money raised towards making Campersand '23 even more exciting, and possibly put the money towards Campersand '24!). At the end of this campaign - if we haven't reached our goal - Amanda has pledged to make up any difference to fully fund at least 10 spots using her own funds.
The scholarship attendees will have accommodations in the Dorms which are single rooms with a shared bathroom (all accom details are here) and include all meals for the stay, but please note: we cannot cover any transportation to or from the retreat!
So, if you're feeling generous, please donate below, every little bit helps!
The Patron Only link to attend the retreat at Omega will be posted on Amanda's Patreon on Friday, Feb 10th at 12pm EST.
AND, if you or someone you know is interested in applying for the scholarship, our Application Form is Here. Application Deadline is 5pm EST on Tuesday, Feb 7th and we will let all the Scholarship recipients know no later than 5pm EST on Thursday, Feb 9th.
We can't wait to see you at Omega!
Amanda, and Michael from Team AFP
(photo by Hayley Rosenblum from the last day of the 2019 Omega retreat)
Amanda Palmer
Woodstock, NY