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Can you help get Janphen home? IN MEMORY

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It's difficult to know where to start in such circumstances but I guess I should get straight to the point.

My partner Janphen is dying from terminal cancer in a Sheffield hospital. She is a Thai national and is here in the UK visiting me.

She arrived 26th of May but by early June she started to become unwell. Initially we both thought it was nothing more than a fever due to the extreme weather changes between Thailand and the UK. Her condition quickly deteriorated and she is now being treated just to make her as comfortable as possible. The doctors have said that she will not recover.

The doctor who recently operated on Janphen to remove a large tumour has said that she cannot issue a 'fit to fly' certificate for her due to medical and ethical reasons. This of course relates to flying on commercial airlines.

Janphen has made it clear that she wants to return to Thailand so that she may die with her close family and friends around her. I am writing this appeal for help in raising the funds for an air ambulance so that I can hopefully give her this last gift through the generosity of others. Unfortunately it's extremely expensive as you would imagine and the quotes I've had so far prove this, so I have set my target at the lowest quote of just under £100,000.

Time is critical because she was told by her Doctor that she has 'days to weeks' because the cancer is very aggressive. Obviously the sum needed is a large sum to raise in such a very short time so please contribute what ever you can afford and share it as much as possible. It goes without saying a huge 'THANK YOU' goes out to everyone who is kind enough to make a donation and share her story. I know with the global cost of living crisis its very difficult for many so if you cannot make a contribution thank you for looking and please share.

I would like to tell you a little about this very special lady. Firstly I want to say that I consider myself blessed to have met her and been able to share some of my life with her, albeit it was sadly only the last 5 years. So who is she? Janphen as mentioned was born in Thailand. I know that she has worked extremely hard during her lifetime and often hard physical work some of which was in a factory. I only found this out very recently (since she became ill) that she brought up two boys by someone else. She's always told me that she has two daughters and two boys. Recently she told me that the two boys were not hers but that her and her late husband brought them up as their own and also put them through University which of course was very expensive. That's the kind of person Janphen is so I wasn't that surprised by her selfless act. She's never had too much herself and what little she has she's been very proud of, be it her small home or her car. She is also deeply religious following like most Thai nationals the Buddhist faith. It's actually one of the things that I initially found most attractive about her...her deep devotion. Its a beautiful culture and I have loved being part of her life.

I would like to mention that she does have travel insurance that was taken out with a view to cover accidents and emergency treatment in the UK. Regrettably there would be a serious shortfall on the cost of an air ambulance repatriation flight hence my fundraiser.

Please note that everything over and above her air ambulance costs and hospital treatment in Thailand will be donated and split equally between Cancer Research and Macmillan Cancer support. She will be admitted to a state Thai Cancer hospital not a private hospital but I understand that there may be some charges for drugs and medicine.

Finally, once again, thank you for reading, sharing and contributing.


Sadly my Chanpen (Janphen) passed away Thursday 13th October 14.02 UK time.

I fought so hard to get her home fighting the insurance company who put hurdle after hurdle in her way. I also fought so hard to buy time constantly standing up for her against medical 'experts' trying to keep her alive. Sadly I failed her.

As I never managed to get her home all donations will now go to a memorial back in Thailand. I will sadly be taking her home in a way that I fought so hard to avoid. Thank you to those who made a donation

I am heart broken


Anthony Handley

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