Windrush Descendant Eulalee Pennant's Cancer Fight
Donation protected
I first met Eulalee Pennant A.K.A Lady P Lioness after she had been detained in Yarl's Wood. It was 2018, right as the Windrush Scandal broke into public attention. From the first moment we met, I could tell Eulalee was a force of nature. She spoke with fire and passion not just about her situation but for ALL the women of Yarl's Wood. Ever since she has been at the heart of the Movement for Justice, she is a leader, an artist and an inspiration. What has characterized Eulalee Pennant as a leader is her determination to speak out for all those who face oppression, whatever country, whatever sexuality, whatever gender - she will fight for you. More importantly, she will encourage you to fight for yourself, to speak out against abuse, torture & racism.
Eulalee is now in hospital receiving chemotherapy for a rare form of aggressive soft tissue cancer (small round cell sarcoma). We need your help to make her coming months as comfortable as possible.
All money raised will go directly to Eulalee, immediately she needs a new phone - staying in contact with family and friends is so critical. We hope to find ways to connect her to her music in the hospital so she can keep creating; she needs phone credit, toiletries and some money so that when out of the hospital, she can get what she needs to live and connect with all her loved ones around the world.
Eulalee is much loved by everyone who meets her, she is a partner, a mother, a grandmother, an artist, a leader - she has been through so much in her life, experiences which have driven her to be the person she is today, someone who has never given up. She also wants people to know she will not give up in this fight for her life.
Please give what you can!
Important info update as requested by gofundme…
Who am I and what’s my relationship to Eulalee Pennant?
I have been a close friend of Eulalees since 2018 after she was released from Yarlswood. We were fellow members of Movement for justice and campaigned together. I supported her through the process of her home office application. Now she has nominated me as her next of kin, I am supporting her navigating the healthcare system and an intensive schedule of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I’m supporting her to get the help she needs.
What the funds are for and how they will be used:
We never dreamed to raise this much so just today are working through a list of what’s needed.
First thing is a good quality smart phone & unlimited minutes. She has been struggling with only an old tablet and WhatsApp with patchy wifi.
This money also means we can now look into renting a ground floor property close to her partner and community in Hackney. Eulalee is currently stuck on the third floor with no lift, she has to be carried up and down stairs every hospital apt. If she were on the ground floor she could get a wheelchair to help her get around. (Looking at costs it’s around £1600 a month)
Which leads onto the next possibility! A wheelchair so she can zip around town and have some independence!
Visiting family and friends around the country - she can start to get out and about, visiting her loved ones - this can pay for transport.
Paying the bills - this money will allow her to pay her food/heat/light bills for a few months.
There will be more possibilities - we’ve just got to get over this immediate crisis (she was admitted to hospital this morning 19/09/22) so we can sit down and make some plans when she is more stable.
Of course, if the home office expedite their decision it means she can access benefits - PIP/UC/Carers allowance and she may be offered a ground floor flat - if this happens that money will be spent on pure joyful things for her coming months!
How the funds will be distributed:
The money for daily living etc will be transferred to Eulalees bank account straightaway. For the bigger items (wheelchair, phone housing etc) we’ll help her find the right things and buy them for her. The money is in an account separate from my personal account so it is secure.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions, I will update this fundraiser as regularly as possible!

Karen Doyle