Susan Hadl Cancer Treatment Fund
Thank you for visiting our page. We hope to raise $20,000 for Susan Hadl's cancer treatment. She was recently diagnosed with an aggressive, rare form of breast cancer (Metaplastic carcinoma spindle cell.) In other words, scary stuff. It is less then 2% of all breast cancers.
Most of you have probably been touched by this horrible illness and know the feeling of finding out the news. I for one, never gave it a thought until today and you feel utterly helpless. I hope you can help us achieve our goal to be cancer free.
She needs the funds for treatment, medication, and travel cost. Medicare does not cover enough and her biggest worry is not dying, it's how much of this she can not afford. It's sad that you have to worry about money when you are fighting for you life. Anything you can do to help is appreciated.
Sue Hadl
Ps. From my son, To give and serve has always been my mother's goal in life. She is one of the most selfless people I have been fortunite enough to know. She gives without wanting anything in return and sometimes at the expense of herself. She is the strongest woman I know and the most caring. She does not know I am doing this for her and would not want me to out of pride and burden to me. I don't know how you repay someone who has given you everything, but to help them in their time of need. That is what she would do for me or any of you, if she knew you.