Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Change of Heart; faith not fear!

Spende geschützt
I suffer with Multiple Sclerosis (14 years) and Congestive Heart Failure (10 years,)
After Open Heart Surgery October 6, 2015,
I am currently surviving with a Left Ventricular Assisted Device (LVAD) along with my Pacemaker/Defibrillator.
I've been placed on the Heart transplant list as a 1B candidate. Although I have health insurance and the transplant is an approved, covered expense, I will be responsible for 20% of the approximately $1 million dollar surgery, pre and post transplant maintenance, anti-rejection medicines (which are life long expenses) home health care and some home accomodations (exercise equipment) to assist with a successful recovery.
Although I'm in wonderful spirits, hopeful, standing on the healing promises of God and believe with the "faith of a mustard seed" that I will be healed, I worry about the financial aftermath this may have on myself and my family.  So please, find it in your heart to donate. Thank you and much love!


  • Mo Monique
    • $30
    • 7 yrs


Cande Calhoun Richardson
Houston, TX

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