Candy Dungan Medical Fund
I'm writing on behalf of Candy Dungan, our well-known friend, skate mentor, fiance, and mother, who recently experienced a traumatic incident involving a guardrail and suffered an injury to her spine.
I'm writing to downhill skateboarders across the world. Some of you have had the privilege to meet Candy in person, some of you may have just connected with her through Facebook. But, as many of you know, the USA does not provide health care to their citizens, and medical costs are exceedingly expensive, especially when it comes to critical care. Candy is an extremely hard working individual with three different jobs to support herself and her skate career, however none of them yield health care benefits.
We all love Candy, and she has done so much for the skate community. We want her to focus on her recovery right now, the last thing that she needs to be worried about is her financial situation. All money from this fundraiser will go directly to Candy for medical expenses and living expenses through her recovery. Thank you.