Capoeira New Orleans - Goioere Help
Tax deductible

The Capoeira & Brazilian Cultural Arts Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit in New Orleans. It is part of Arte Reviver, an international school for teaching capoeira to children and adults.
We offer classes in New Orleans, San Diego, California, Paraguay, and capoeira’s native Brazil. Our area of greatest need is in a small region called Goioere. It is a rural area in Parana, Brazil, and home to some of our best and most committed capoeiristas. Our Professors criss-cross Goioere every week to bring capoeira to after-school programs and low- and no-cost classes – and to make class even better for our young capoeiristas, we need your support.
During the last week of November, kids in our programs will participate in an annual graduation at no cost to them. But with $1000 more, we can provide full uniforms to 60 kids who cannot obtain their own. It’s a simple way to help kids feel the accomplishment of training the entire year and maintaining high grade marks in school. We will be accepting donations thru Friday November 17th!

Jonathan Ramirez
Hammocks, FL
Capoeira & Brazilian Cultural Arts Center