Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Capt Mark Charters- Treasure Cay- Dorian

Spende geschützt
Capt Mark and his family have been devastated by Hurricane Dorian.  Their home is gone, with all their possessions.  Mark's boats, motors and equipment have been heavily damaged or destroyed.   And...... the latest insult, vandals have cut open the hulls of his stranded boats to steal the gas!

All who know Mark understand that he would NEVER ask anyone for a penny for himself.  But now, his two daughters and two grand children have been evacuated to Nassau.  They are basically stranded, penniless and without jobs in Nassau.  Mark is now their sole support.

Mark is going to need lots of help for his family.  And to rebuild his home, charter fleet and equipment.  We all want him to be able provide memorable Sea Of Abaco experiences for his guests in the coming years.  

Your assistance will keep this wonderful Treasure Cay experience available for the future.


  • Anonym
    • 100 $
    • 5 Jahre
  • Tom Rutledge
    • 500 $
    • 5 Jahre
  • Guido Baldus
    • 100 $
    • 5 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 100 $
    • 5 Jahre
  • Scott Valentin
    • 150 $
    • 5 Jahre


Robert Koury
Oakton, VA

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