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Car Engine Blew-up

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Hi, My name is Rebecca and I am fundraising to replace the engine in my car. My car is in great shape except the engine doesn't work now. It is my sole means of transportation. As I am self employed I will not be able to meet my work commitments without a vehicle. I also have physical disabilities with lots of doctor appointments. I will not be able to make these appointments without a car. As many of you know I am also a jeweller. Without a vehicle I am can't attend craft shows. So both streams of income will be gone. I enjoy and take pride in being a productive member of society. Please help me do this. I would appreciate you sharing this with anyone who could help.

I am sad to report that Mechanics of Faith isn't Going to be doing engine replacements for the foreseeable future. This leaves me in the predicament still of not having a car. I have the funds that were raised for the engine replacement which I am going to apply to purchasing a used vehicle. I need a vehicle that is reliable which puts it into the price category of $2500. That being said I am eight hundred dollars short. I am sincerely hoping that you will be able to help me out again for this goal. I have now missed 3 weeks of work and lost 1 client. I make sterling silver Jewelry but have been unable to schedule any Shows due to lack of transportation. I am absolutely desperate to get back to work. Just in case anyone might have, I am looking for a used Subaru at the $2500. price with no major issues. I'm truly grateful for all you have done so far and i'm very sorry that I need to ask for more. If you feel comfortable, I would appreciate if you would share the GoFundMe link. Thank you and Peace
Ilustración de manos que ayudan

Dona $35 para ayudar a esta recaudación de fondos a lograr su objetivo

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    • $175
    • 7 mos
  • Anónimo
    • $300
    • 7 mos
  • Anónimo
    • $50
    • 7 mos
  • Wilma Ice
    • $20
    • 7 mos
  • Abishek Bhaskaran
    • $10
    • 7 mos
Ilustración de manos que ayudan

Dona $35 para ayudar a esta recaudación de fondos a lograr su objetivo

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Rebecca Lagana
Tuckahoe, VA

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe