Care For Happiness
Make happiness possible for human kind! ☘.... This GREAT PROJECT is here to really help people who are suffering from a DEPRESSION / BURN-OUT/ and, or FINANCIAL STRESS in their step to happiness and (financial) freedom. We provide them with an extra passive income , and guide them to make their dreams come true with support from trainers and coaches!
To provide Financial Freedom possibilities that will give the freedom to choose what they want to make of their lives, to realize their dreams, and to contribute something to the world!
Freedom: This projects mission is to help people who suffer from depression, burn-out and/or financial stress to free themselves to release all their inner pain and choose what they want to make of their lives!
A dear friend of mine has recently committed suicide. Life was no longer bearable for him. He left 3 young children behind. In loving memory I dedicate this project to him. He wanted to help and inspire people, that was his big dream.
★ ★ VISION ☘
Being free from being imprisoned in ourselves and actually being able to live instead of surviving life!
In many countries, we live in a society with all kinds of freedoms. But what we do not have yet is a real freedom to choose for yourself what you want to make of life, because you have to pay the bills. There is a lot of pressure, and many people are losing their dreams and disconnecting from theirselves.
Life can be wonderful, and sometimes you need a chance to become yourself and live your dreams!
✅ 100% success for ALL !
✅ Fair compassionate company
✅ Results and personal reviews will be shown by our website www.fulltime-levensgenieters.nl
People will receive SUPPORT through TRAINERS AND COACHES to realize their DREAMS + GOALS and create a positive MINDSET to happiness.☘
How beautiful would it be if ....
Everyone can follow their own path,
smooth, flowing without detours,
without getting lost in your own nature.
And then go into it so completely that you have enough space along the way just to be happy.
That you do not have to doubt which way to go,
that you have no choice but your own way.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The impact of depression is large: for the person, for the immediate environment and for society.
Globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression. Those are the figures that have been known so far, and there is a good chance that they will be more. Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease.
➜ More women are affected by depression than men.
➜ At its worst, depression can lead to suicide.
➜ There are effective psychological and pharmacological treatments for depression.
➜ Every year, 800,000 people worldwide commit suicide, according to figures from the World Health Organization
A short trailer about depression
★ BURN-OUT: occupational disease number one
Work stress is an occupational disease number. 14 percent of employees report burn-out complaints annually. Approximately 5 percent of the workforce is, as a result, at home for a long time. A heavy burn-out leads to an average of 242 days non-attendance.
Self-esteem through performance
Many people who get a burnout have a high level of performance. Whether this is fed by uncertainty, a low self-esteem, or that someone simply sets the bar very high. A large part of the self-worth is linked to the performance that a person delivers.
Yet many people with burnout know the thoughts of suicide. The worse the burnout, the worse the desire to end a life. Especially in the phase that someone gets sick (ends up in a burnout) and someone feels himself sliding, these suicidal thoughts can come up
Financial problems cause chronic stress. The impact of financial worries is very big!
Most people experience long-term financial problems as very threatening. Financial problems and debts can cause a huge amount of stress
Money worries: the numbers
To give you an impression of how many people are (can) suffer from financial worries below some national figures:
➜ 1 in 5 households has high-risk debts
➜ 224,000 households have to live on a low income for more than 4 years
➜ 850,000 people have too little money to meet their basic needs
And if you now think that this is all people in a benefit situation:
40% of poor people have work as the main source of income.
My name is Margo de Bruin, and I am from Holland.
I have an event agency and I organize workshops and events on positive thinking. My passion is to help and inspire people to live their dreams and create their own happiness! I help people to create FREEDOM, ABUNDANCE, HAPPINESS & SUCCESS in life in the fields of: Meaningfulness Awareness - Love & Relationships - Money & Work - Health
Live life to the fullest!