Cargle vs Goliath Legal Fund - CLOSED 7-22-2022
Donation protected
My name is Dr. Melani Cargle. I am a queer, Black female Orthopaedic Surgery resident physician with a disability at LAC+USC Medical Center in Los Angeles, California.
As a UCLA medical student, I witnessed a sexual assault on an unconscious, anesthetized male patient committed by a well-respected Los Angeles Orthopaedic surgeon. This surgeon committed this act while harboring a firearm in the operating room (OR).
I was shocked and afraid. I silently wept during surgery for the patient, who was powerless and unaware. After processing the events, I realized that I had witnessed an egregious act. But what I soon learned next shook me to my core: this was not just an isolated incident; it wasn’t a pattern; no, this was allegedly more sinister and orchestrated. This was an entire enterprise.
How can these actions be committed with impunity—i.e., permitted—in the 21st century? The patient I witnessed was robbed of his dignity, robbed of his choice, and robbed of his ability to fairly defend himself. For those who expressed concern, yes, I understand that I am both a witness and a victim. There are likely others. I encourage you reach out to me via Twitter for now.
My aim is to raise capital to help build a dynamic yet steadfast legal team who are committed to delivering justice for these patients and protecting medical students and physician trainees who are particularly vulnerable at this stage of training. Every last cent raised here will be tracked and made available throughout my case.
TLDR: No patient should ever have to worry about being sexually assaulted by their surgeon while unconscious, anesthetized on the OR table. And no medical or resident trainee should ever have to witness it. And no surgeon outside of an active combat zone should ever be harboring a loaded firearm on his waist during a surgical procedure.
I need a few other people to act in solidarity and together we can “Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and redeem the soul of America.” - John Lewis. Selma, AL. 3 Mar 2020
UPDATE 7/22/2022: Please see the photo below for an important announcement about your donations; the closure of this fund; and the reason why I've issued refunds in full!!
Yours in solidarity,
Melani Cargle, MD, MBA
CEO, Oh I Got Time Today Club
Take Contemporaneous Notes Club
Keep a Diary Club
Never Delete Emails Club
Never Delete Texts Club.
Document conversations Club.
Notate Dates/Times, Locations, Witnesses, and Cameras Club
Document Blatant Inequities as They Happen Club
Keep all Performance Evaluations Club
Compare all Performance Evals with Text Message Compliments Club
Never Be Afraid to Bring Receipts and Yellow Highlighter Club
Melani Cargle
Los Angeles, CA