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Caring for Krista

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I am raising money to help Krista with her mounting medical bills, and upcoming rehab. 

Krista suffered an injury to her right hand (yes she is right handed) on June 6th, almost cutting off 3 of her fingers. Remarkably and miraculously, Jesus and the Dr's were able to save all three fingers. During surgery they put pins in the bones in all 3, tied together her tendons, put cadaver nerves in 2 and stitched all 3 back together. 

Krista is my roommate, my best friend, and my business partner. I also happened to be with her when this accident happened, and have been there throughout this whole process. So, I know first hand what she has been through and still has to go through. I've also sat here with her as she opens the bills as they've started to roll in, and to see the stress mount as we know all the upcoming fees we have with all of the upcoming rehab and the possibility of more surgery. -There is a chance that as the bones heal they will calcify around the tendons, and one joint may fuse together thus possibly needing more surgery after her PT; if so, there will be a second round of PT.

The funds raised from this will immediately be applied to the mounting medical bills we have already gotten in the mail, and to the Physical Therapy that started yesterday and will continue for the next several months. 

This cause is near and dear to my heart, because I have watched Krista give to and pour into everyone around her, never wanting or expecting anything in return. And now, she needs us to step in and do the same for her. 

Every little bit that you can give, will help tremendously and go towards this mounting debt. 

Thank you for considering this cause and for donating. I am so grateful for each of you who has and does call Krista friend. Your support through all of this has and does mean so much.

If you would like to hear more about what happened that day, you can listen to her words here.
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  • Anonyme
    • $100
    • 4 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Amy Wall
Washington D.C., DC
Krista Back

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