Save the Carlsbad Art Wall
Together, We Can Save the Carlsbad Art Wall
Since the first mural in 2015, the Carlsbad Art Wall (CAW) has brought 15 new murals by 15 different artists to the Carlsbad Village.
During this time, I have watched the community fall in love with each mural. I have seen parents bring their children to meet the artists and ultimately become excited to paint. I have met new Carlsbad tourists inspired to visit because of the newest mural and I have learned that the CAW has encouraged urban exploration and a newfound love for the Carlsbad Village.
And a special thanks to Señor Grubby's for the major support!
Help continue the CAW project through 2018
I am asking for your help to raise funding for expenses including artist compensation and Teen Street Art Workshops. The success of the CAW has been made possible thanks to your interest and participation. With your continued support, we can bring five new artists, five new Teen Street Art Workshops—and one community together.
Thank you for your consideration,
Bryan Snyder
Carlsbad Art Wall Founder/Director
What is the Carlsbad Art Wall?
The Carlsbad Art Wall (CAW) is a rotating urban canvas located in the Carlsbad Village. Curated by Carlsbad artist Bryan Snyder, the wall's artwork changes every two months and is painted by a new artist each time.
What Are Teen Street Art Workshops?
Days before each new mural, Snyder directs a Teen Street Art Workshop at the Carlsbad Art Wall in collaboration with the Village Boys and Girls Club teaching teens how to paint murals, educating them on basic drawing principles and inspiring future artists.
Meet the Carlsbad Art Wall Artists
Los Angeles artists:
bumblebeelovesyou , Morley , SandOne , MDMN , Devon Liston , Annie Preece , TEACHR , Free Humanity and Sebastien Walker.
San Diego artists:
Skye Walker , Sean Dominguez , Kris Markovich , Gloria Muriel , Sarah Spinks Alex Gall and Bryan Snyder.
The Emerging Artistic Culture in Carlsbad
Snyder has dedicated the last decade to encouraging a more artistic community in the Carlsbad Village through murals, community gatherings, scavenger hunts, art shows and a variety of projects with the end goal of creating culture.
Amazing progress has been made. Carlsbad is now known as an artistic destination with many art enthusiasts crediting the Carlsbad Art Wall as a driving force.
To continue the evolution of this local artistic culture, Snyder has decided to apply for a position on the City of Carlsbad Arts Commission. If appointed, this would allow him to work closely with the City as a representative of the Village, the artists and the local businesses—ultimately providing a voice for the Village arts community within local government.
Why Fundraise Now?
Due to a possible conflict of interest, Snyder has been advised to withdraw a City of Carlsbad Community Arts grant in order to be considered for a commission position. If appointed to the Arts Commission, Snyder would be able to better server the Carlsbad community, local artists and the Village in general. Unfortunately, this has resulted in the inability to finance the 2018 CAW season. Your donation will help it continue!
What Will Your Donation Help Finance?
• at least 5 new murals
• artists supplies and boarding fees
• Teen Street Art Workshop supplies
• marketing, design and photography fees
• admin, project management and insurance fees
• website hosting and domain registration
"creating culture one project at a time"