Memorial expenses for Carol Shipley
Donation protected
If you work with her, you know how she always said she was on the "work til you die" program. Well, she did just that. She passed early Sunday morning, Nov. 5th, after weeks of feeling unwell. We thought it was from new meds the doctor put her on, but things got worse and worse and more symptoms started adding to it. We ALL tried to get her to see her doctor or go to the ER before she finally did, but her stubborn as an ass self wouldn't go. By the time I was able to drag her there, things were already so far progressed that she went into v-tach in the ER. They thought it was her lungs at first and she was doing a breathing treatment when she went tachy. Things just got worse and worse from there. They had her maxed out on the meds they could give her and the nurses in the CCU at Morristown Hamblen worked so hard keeping her going. And despite all their efforts, she just wasn't improving. After a day of no improvement, the damage to her body was just too great and we had to make the hard decision to let her go peacefully. She passed surrounded by Richard, me, Curtis, and Curt's gf Julie.
The nurses and staff at MHHS were great. And we're very thankful to them for their efforts. The doctor said the symptoms that we thought were heart failure were exactly that. And it was another heart attack that ultimately took her from us.
We've set up an account for her final expenses. Her three boys and myself would like to say thank you to anyone that donates, no matter the amount.
Amber Shipley
Morristown, TN