Medical Expenses
Carsyn is a 10 year old who has been diagnosed with Hydranecephaly, hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, and epilepsy. He has a VP shunt, a feeding tube and he's in a wheelchair. Due to carsyn's conditions we go back and forth to Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse for doctors appointments. Our van is not converted so Carsyn is still in a car seat, which isn't the most comfortable for him on a four hour drive. We're hoping to raise enough to convert the van so Carsyn can sit in his wheelchair during these trips. In july 2016 Carsyn was approved for medical Marijuana. Within the first month he went from 8-10 seizures A DAY to one in that month. And he's only had a few break through seizures since! Out of all the carsyn's prescription medications nothing has controlled his seizures, until this. So once a month we go to Syracuse to pick up his script, which costs us 800 dollars out of pocket. I, along with his dad, work as much as we can to afford doing both but unfortunately need a little help until the state brings prices down. Anything helps, and we appreciate even a share on your social media. I just want Carsyn to have a comfortable, happy, seizure free life. Click here to learn more about Carsyn's journey so far.