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Caruso Flood Relief

Spende geschützt
*UPDATES are available under the update tab!!!*

This account is NOT asking our neighbors and other victims of the flood for any help. The bonds we've created in the past week through all of our hard work and support have been immensely important to us. Please see the bottom of this story for one option for how to help our incredible community. We are creating this fundraising account for those who have offered their support in helping our family improve our situation. Our entire family and most of our close friends live out of state. The love we have received from them is overwhelming, but we want to make it easier for the people who have asked how to send money since they are unable to physically help. 

This site required we enter a dollar amount.
This is an awkward and humbling thing to do, and in this stressful time we aren't even sure how much to ask for. We're estimating that full repair to our home could cost up to $75,000. We thank you in advance, and are grateful for any amount donated.

Our story
My name is Natalie Caruso. I am the daughter of Rob Caruso from the Detroit area. For the last 13 years, my dad, sister Julie and I have lived in this house in Prairieville, Louisiana in Ascension Parish. We are now displaced victims of "The Great Flood of 2016."
Although we're lucky compared to those whom have lost everything, this has devastated us financially.
Our home received water in every room of the house, and is now under demolition before the de-molding process. During this, we are unable to live in our home for an unknown length of time. Then begins the long, costly journey of rebuilding.

We do not have flood insurance because we were not in a legal flood zone. We have filed with FEMA's Disaster Recovery, but those funds will not come close to what this disaster will cost us. New flooring, walls, doors, cabinets, vanities, showers and furniture are among the many items we will need to replace.

Thank you for reading this, and for all the love and prayers you have sent our way. We love you all.

*If you feel further inclined to help our neighbors in the community, you can donate to the Capital Area United Way Flood Relief.

Above is the view out our back door as the water started entering.

The pictures below were taken during demolition.



  • Jake Tobias
    • 100 $
    • 8 Jahre
  • Sherry Regiani
    • 100 $
    • 8 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 300 $
    • 8 Jahre
  • Laura Baccella
    • 50 $
    • 8 Jahre
  • Anonym
    • 500 $
    • 8 Jahre

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Natalie Caruso
Prairieville, LA
Rob Caruso

Deine einfache, effektive und sichere Anlaufstelle für Hilfe

  • Einfach

    Schnell und einfach spenden

  • Effektiv

    Unterstütze Menschen und Zwecke, die dir am Herzen liegen

  • Sicher

    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt