Casey parten and family
This is casey’s best friends justin and chris we are raising money for casey and his family and for this time they are experiencing . If you can’t send money send prayers it will be greatly appreciated. These donations will be going towards the parents of casey parten , to pay for hospital expenses , funeral expenses, time loss from work , and any other expenses they need covered. The beneficiaries will be CODY PARTEN , and STACEY PARTEN.
As a lot of you know Casey and Tyler love their dirt bikes. Monday evening May 17th in the afternoon they went to meet a guy through Facebook marketplace to buy another bike. The transaction didn’t go well and Casey is the victim of several gunshots. He was in the operating room for several hours while the nurses and multiple surgeons went to work to try to recover him. Due to his injuries casey has passed away.
We’re asking for prayers lots and lots of prayers and support for this family as they deal with a tragedy unlike anything else. If you have it and would want to donate they would love any donations as well.
We will continue to use this as a platform to inform those not close so please follow the page as Casey’s family experiences this tragic time.