Caspar Jung’s TM Teacher Training
I would like to train to become a teacher of Transcendental Meditation and I need your help. Although I personally would have preferred to cover the expenses myself, it turns out to be unrealistic for me at this time. Nonetheless I am committed to going at this time. With your help I hope I can make it. I will need 5000 euro’s to cover Course Expenses, Flights, Visa and a 2 week mandated quarantine.
Growing up in a family that valued Personal Development, I learned Transcendental Meditation at a young age. As a young kid you don’t always recognize the benefits of transcending and it can be easy to take it for granted. As I got older it became more and more clear to me what immense value it can bring to go inwards twice a day.
It truly helped me discover my own nature and stay on my own path. At a time in the world where meaning and purpose in life can be hard to find, especially among my generation. I feel inspired to offer others this simple tool to dive within, to the source of creativity and happiness.
It is my goal to not only teach people TM but also to build and expand on the current wave of wellbeing and personal development around the world, by bringing the teaching of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi into the modern times.
How does the training work?
To become a teacher we have to go on a 5 month training in Thailand. During this time the focus will be fully inward without much contact with the outside world.
The global situation has made things a bit uncertain, but fortunately we heard thisweek that we have a chance to go ahead in the 17th of Oktober.
What will I do after?
Initially my focus will be on simply teaching in the Netherlands. But for the last 3 years my focus has been on management and organization. It is my goal to integrate my professional skills and interests with tools such as TM and AyurVeda into a coaching/consulting profession.
I am deeply thankful for contributions of any size.
If you would like to donate through paypal
If you would like to donate through a bank transfer
Name: C.T. Jung
Bank: ABN Amro
IBAN: NL73 ABNA 0594 763 282
Sharing my fundraising with others is also appreciated!
Thanks for the taking the time to take a look at my request.
Caspar Jung