Virtual Tip Jar for Cassava Staff
Donation protected
Hello, friends. We are extremely blessed and humbled by how many of you asked if you could help us in any way in this unprecedented health and economic crisis affecting the entire world.
Cassava is really special to Kris and me, of course, and so many of you mention that it's a special place to you as well. You rallied around us time and time again, notably on this very platform back in 2017.
One of the biggest reasons why that is who we have working with us while being able to serve our extremely supportive community.
Our team, as so many mentioned to both of us countless times, is full of most caring, dedicated people that add to what we originally brought. They are the biggest motivation why we want to go to work every day, and they are the ones that allow us to extend our ability to serve you with the quality food and warm service we have come to be known for.
As the City and the State just shut all businesses, for a very important reason, without any prior financial assistance, our sales dropped by 90% like so many other places. We expected this change to come and shifted to the takeout only model fairly quickly.
Even though we changed the model, we still had to cut the hours. On top of their own income decrease, some of our staff members found themselves to be the only one working, or stranded with bills that were going to be paid for with the anticipated income.
On top of the possibility of losing our business that we just celebrated the 8th year milestone for, our biggest fear is to put these most precious people in the economic peril. We have already asked them to apply for Unemployment Insurance but we never know when that can come to them. We are trying to share work between staff members who are able to hold off and who needs money the most. And some of them now even bigger need as they have just become the sole breadwinners.
So again, we are turning to this platform to ask for your generosity. As the owners of the business, we are not legally allowed to take tips. This fund is for the sole purpose of us being able to cash out all of their sick pay as the acute relief fund and get the cash in their hands.
Even miraculously Cassava makes out this storm, god willing when, without any of them we won't be the same. So many of you asked us if you could buy our gift certificates, but we decided that would be irresponsible as we are still facing the biggest financial challenge. But if you could, please consider putting in this tip jar instead of purchasing the gift certificates, it'll mean the world to Kris and me. And you are doing exactly what you wanted to do; preserving Cassava the way it is.
Thank you so much for reading this far. Time and time again we are always in awe and amazed how much love and care we receive.
Cassava is really special to Kris and me, of course, and so many of you mention that it's a special place to you as well. You rallied around us time and time again, notably on this very platform back in 2017.
One of the biggest reasons why that is who we have working with us while being able to serve our extremely supportive community.
Our team, as so many mentioned to both of us countless times, is full of most caring, dedicated people that add to what we originally brought. They are the biggest motivation why we want to go to work every day, and they are the ones that allow us to extend our ability to serve you with the quality food and warm service we have come to be known for.
As the City and the State just shut all businesses, for a very important reason, without any prior financial assistance, our sales dropped by 90% like so many other places. We expected this change to come and shifted to the takeout only model fairly quickly.
Even though we changed the model, we still had to cut the hours. On top of their own income decrease, some of our staff members found themselves to be the only one working, or stranded with bills that were going to be paid for with the anticipated income.
On top of the possibility of losing our business that we just celebrated the 8th year milestone for, our biggest fear is to put these most precious people in the economic peril. We have already asked them to apply for Unemployment Insurance but we never know when that can come to them. We are trying to share work between staff members who are able to hold off and who needs money the most. And some of them now even bigger need as they have just become the sole breadwinners.
So again, we are turning to this platform to ask for your generosity. As the owners of the business, we are not legally allowed to take tips. This fund is for the sole purpose of us being able to cash out all of their sick pay as the acute relief fund and get the cash in their hands.
Even miraculously Cassava makes out this storm, god willing when, without any of them we won't be the same. So many of you asked us if you could buy our gift certificates, but we decided that would be irresponsible as we are still facing the biggest financial challenge. But if you could, please consider putting in this tip jar instead of purchasing the gift certificates, it'll mean the world to Kris and me. And you are doing exactly what you wanted to do; preserving Cassava the way it is.
Thank you so much for reading this far. Time and time again we are always in awe and amazed how much love and care we receive.
Yuka Ioroi
San Francisco, CA