Catching Faith
Amanda Anderson - - - My sister. What can I say about this magnificant woman that everyone else doesn't already know? Amanda is 32 years old. She is a magnificant teacher to 18 pre-k children, a fantastic aunt to 5 neices and nephews, a wonderful mother to 2 amazing children (Landon,14, Kodi,5), a tremendous sister to both myself and my brother, and a beautiful daughter.
In 2006 Amanda was diagnosed with melanoma in situ skin cancer. The doctors were able to remove the mole and a little bit more tissue to rid her of the cancer without having to provide any more treatments. She was declared cancer free. Fast forward to April 17, 2017 - - - Amanda had been complaining of severe head pain and dizziness for several weeks. The week prior she went to the doctor and was diagnosed with double ear infection and put on a round of antibiotics. She decided to go back to the clinic where they then sent her to E.R. There the earth shattering news was thrust upon her. Amanda had a mass covering her entire right frontal lobe of her brain. Three days later she has surgery to remove the mass; it is metastatic melanoma. Her surgeon said that he was able to "miraculously remove the tumor in one piece" and he gave God the glory when delivering this news. At this time we know that they will treat this aggressively with localized radiation in 2 weeks. Pathology results will be in this week and that will determine prognosis and a complete treatment plan.
To add insult to injury, Amanda's teaching position at the local headstart was immediately terminated due to hospitalization. This has not only devastated her, but has also put her in quite a pickle. Since she is a single mother, Amanda will need help financially with bills and to take care of her children until she can get back on her feet and back to work. If you are not able to donate anything monetary, that is okay. Then we ask for your many prayers and to become a warrior for Amanda's fight against this battle that she has been faced with.