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Cattery Repairs

Steuerlich absetzbar
The 28 cats at the SDA sanctuary are in need of their 20 year old cattery to be repaired and upgraded. Over the past 30 years we have taken in hundreds of homeless unadoptable cats with the promise of providing lifetime safe and comfortable care. The cat facilities are spacious with lots of shelves and cozy spots for cats to snooze and play. They also have 2 outside lanais for fresh air and watching birds and squirrels in the trees surrounding their home. Naturally, over the years  the Florida weather, lots of scrubbing and cleaning by our dedicated care-givers plus cat "activities" have taken their toll on the wear and tear of the building. Roofing, re-shelving, painting and rescreening are needed to bring the facility up to the desired standards. Many of these resident kitties are senior geriatric residents that need special care. We have faith and trust that donors will help SDA defray the $4000 cost of renovating this cattery. And as always, thank you for supporting the animals!


  • Chris Greco
    • $250
    • 6 yrs


Ashley Banks
Sarasota, FL
Sarasota In Defense of Animals

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