Catherine Main's fight to beat leiomyosarcoma
We are a group of Cath’s friends from secondary school in Hong Kong, and are putting together this crowdfunding campaign to support her family while she battles leiomyosarcoma.
Leiomyosarcoma typically has a poor prognosis and life expectancy for patients is short. Cath has been fortunate to be accepted into an immunotherapy trial at the National Institutes of Health. We are all hoping that Cath will respond to these new drugs and that it will keep the cancer under control for some time. While there isn’t a cure for Cath at this stage, the most precious thing that she is hoping for is additional time with her children, Jamie and Willa.
The trial, however, will be a significant time commitment as Cath will have to travel to Bethesda almost daily for treatment. She has been told to expect side effects like daily chills and fever, fatigue and sickness. This means that Cath cannot be present to care for the children both due to being at hospital, and being unwell.
Cath’s family have been uncomfortable with setting up a crowdfunding campaign until now, but the new circumstances of the trial mean that they must find childcare to enable Cath to fight this disease. They are hoping to hire a live-in child carer who can be a long-term presence, providing love and consistency to Jamie and Willa, as they navigate any upcoming changes in their family.
If you would like to support them in any way we would be extremely grateful. Even a small donation would help with these expenses as well as any unexpected medical expenses that occur. It’s an opportunity for all of us to be there for Cath and Bill, even if we can’t be there in person.