Cathie Needs Your Support
Donation protected
Thank you for reading this explanation for why I'm asking for financial support. If any of you have a generous heart and spirit, I am so very grateful!
I was sleeping peacefully in my apartment where I'd lived for 37 years. At 5:00 a.m., I was awakened by a monstrous vagrant who was high on meth, standing over me with a knife in my face. He violently stabbed the mattress all around me, destroying it.
He raped me. He was in my bed ordering me around for an hour. He forced me to do things that my mind, body and soul will never forget.
I’m so thankful that I lived, but I now suffer from PTSD.
I was let go from my job of 15 years. My health has since deteriorated at an alarming rate. I'm in constant pain and had to stop exercising because it hurts too much to stand for very long, let alone work out.
Bottom line, I cannot live on the Social Security check I started receiving after I lost my job. I've gone through my small savings for the out of network mental health professionals I needed to help me get through life immediately after this violent sexual assault.
I took out an exorbitantly high interest loan because I needed to try to get out of my credit card debt. I need to use credit cards to live, since I can't make ends meet on my Social Security check. I need to pay off this high interest loan, which seems impossible unless I have a miracle. And my credit card debt is becoming unmanageable.
Maybe you'll be that miracle?
I also have so many health problems that I feel like I've aged 30 years over the last few years. Just one issue is I have a lot of pain from my Lymphedema (this is a condition that was caused from having breast cancer), but cannot afford to see my Lymphedema doctor because she doesn't take my insurance. I desperately need to see her, but it's financially impossible.
My insurance plan gives me a handful of eastern medicine type services that help make me feel better, but since I have a limited number of visits, my health easily goes downhill. If I had the funds to see these practitioners without the limits that are in place, then I know the pain I'm experiencing throughout my body would be reduced.
And it would be a dream come true to be able to see other practitioners who help with PTSD who aren't on my insurance plan.
Grocery prices, utilities, etc., have gone up astronomically. I’m being priced out of my apartment where I’ve resided now for decades.
I would love to be able to eat foods that promote good health. I would love to be able to eat well rather than out of a bag, can or a freezer meal. But I've been reduced to buying whatever's the cheapest.
Due to PTSD and my various health issues, I’m basically a shut-in. I had to give up my car after I lost my job.
I don’t have anyone (I have no family and no local friends) who I can call for help. I don’t leave my apartment except to go to my various doc appointments or to pick up groceries. I never socialize. I don’t have visitors.
In addition, I've had to have three breast biopsies since being raped. I’m stressed, worried and anxious, and stress has a lot to do with cancer.
And now my entire city has an extreme crime problem. Even if I felt great and it didn't hurt to stand for more than 10 minutes at a time, I'm afraid to walk around my neighborhood because there's a lot of drug addicted, violent people roaming the streets. Crime is high, which triggers me, feeding into my PTSD every day.
Thank you so very much for your generosity, concern, support and willingness to help me. Doing that will help me be able to receive the medical services that I know would help me.
Thank you thank you thank you!

cathie lamm
Santa Monica, CA