Trading on the Female Body
Tax deductible
On Tuesday, March 14, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, we will host two panel discussions in New York City under the heading “Trading on the Female Body.” The first panel is comprised of women who have been harmed by surrogacy and egg donation. The second panel will feature international feminist campaigners against surrogacy.
This event will take place along side The Commission on the Status of Women (#CSW61) at the United Nations. This is a large gathering of activists, scholars, journalists, and others from around the world who work to address those issues that impact the lives of women and girls. Our work on surrogacy and egg donation is a perfect fit for the audience that will be gathered in New York from March 13 to 24.
While the support of you and others has funded the bulk of the costs for this event, we are adding two speakers, and we need to raise their travel budgets. We are bringing in an egg donor who suffered as a result of her donation, as well as Kelly, a gestational surrogate who recently contacted us for legal advice and moral support.
Adding two speakers means we need to raise an additional $3,000 to cover their travel costs.
Kelly has also agreed to sit down and do an on camera interview, and we will be turning her story into our next documentary film. Kelly served as a surrogate for a same-sex couple in France and a heterosexual couple in Spain, and both of these stories had very bad outcomes.
Turning her story into a documentary film will require us to raise an additional $4,500.
Click here to see the flyer for the event, which has more details on this important and timely gathering.
For those who aren’t able to join us in person in New York, we will broadcast the event live on our Facebook page, and we will archive the day’s video on Facebook, YouTube, and our website. One way or another, please plan to join us!
Can you help us meet these additional $7,500 in expenses so that we can make the most of the time that we are in New York?
Please contribute today to help us bring an egg donor and Kelly to New York, and turn Kelly’s story into our next film.
This event will take place along side The Commission on the Status of Women (#CSW61) at the United Nations. This is a large gathering of activists, scholars, journalists, and others from around the world who work to address those issues that impact the lives of women and girls. Our work on surrogacy and egg donation is a perfect fit for the audience that will be gathered in New York from March 13 to 24.
While the support of you and others has funded the bulk of the costs for this event, we are adding two speakers, and we need to raise their travel budgets. We are bringing in an egg donor who suffered as a result of her donation, as well as Kelly, a gestational surrogate who recently contacted us for legal advice and moral support.
Adding two speakers means we need to raise an additional $3,000 to cover their travel costs.
Kelly has also agreed to sit down and do an on camera interview, and we will be turning her story into our next documentary film. Kelly served as a surrogate for a same-sex couple in France and a heterosexual couple in Spain, and both of these stories had very bad outcomes.
Turning her story into a documentary film will require us to raise an additional $4,500.
Click here to see the flyer for the event, which has more details on this important and timely gathering.
For those who aren’t able to join us in person in New York, we will broadcast the event live on our Facebook page, and we will archive the day’s video on Facebook, YouTube, and our website. One way or another, please plan to join us!
Can you help us meet these additional $7,500 in expenses so that we can make the most of the time that we are in New York?
Please contribute today to help us bring an egg donor and Kelly to New York, and turn Kelly’s story into our next film.
Jennifer Lahl
Pleasant Hill, CA
The Center for Bioethics and Culture