Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

CCSS Flood Recovery

Spende geschützt
Central Community School System  is located in East Baton Rouge Parish and serves 4,500 students. It is home to 5 schools: Central High School, Central Middle School, Central Intermediate School, Tanglewood Elementary School, and Bellingrath Hills Elementary School. 

In the early morning hours of Friday, August 12, 2016, heavy rains began to fall in the area. Students and employees were told not to report to school. Area homes, schools, churches, and businesses started flooding before mid-morning. As the day turned into evening, the waters continued to rise as more properties saw water rush inside. Schools and churches that were initially set up as temporary shelters on Friday began to take in water, and displaced residents were moved to other schools and shelters in the area. A total of 1,200 displaced citizens were housed at Central Intermediate School and Central Middle School as a result. Many of the young, displaced residents had excitedly entered these halls on the previous Thursday (August 11th) for the First Day of School.

As the high waters have started to recede, the tremendous devastation to Central is evident. A large percentage of the student and employee population had flood waters ravage their homes. Tanglewood Elementary School received 2 feet of water during the height of flooding. Less than a week ago, this school saw smiling faces enter wearing new uniforms and carrying backpacks full of school supplies. The Central Office also had water in the building.

The money collected through this campaign will allow us to help students and employees get back on their feet as quickly as possible. We would like to help ease the burden of classroom supplies and uniforms for our students and help meet the needs of our affected teachers. It is our greatest desire to aid both CCSS students and employees in these recovery efforts. Any assistance is appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


  • Anonym
    • $60
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Sandy Davis
Baton Rouge, LA
Barbra Guyon

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt