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Help Us Celebrate Jennifer Berry's Life

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With heavy hearts and great sadness, we are mourning the sudden passing of our mother, our friend, and our teacher, Jennifer Berry.

Jennifer was an amazing soul. She had a passion for science, teaching, cooking, and supporting anyone she could, be them family, friend, or stranger. Her proudest accomplishment in life was to be a mother, and her love for her dogs and animals was only seconded by her love for teaching and supporting as many students as she could.

She deeply touched the lives of countless individuals she met along her journey through this world, and that has been reflected by the outpouring of love and support we have received in this short time since her passing. Jenni will be deeply missed by her friends, family, and everyone else who had the great opportunity to meet her.

Any and all memorial arrangements will be announced as soon as they are finalized.

Any and all donations we receive will go towards our Mom’s final financial obligations, curating her Memorial Service, and supporting any other transitional expenses along the way. Any remaining donations remaining will go towards establishing a memorial scholarship in her name so her legacy can continue.


Christopher Lippert
Smithville, TX

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