Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Celebration of Life for Thomas Robinson

Spende geschützt
Hello supporters, my name is Zakyra Jordan. As a close friend of the family, I was asked to take up donations for Thomas Robinson's homegoing service. On August 17th, 2023 Thomas, an innocent bystander, was unfortunately gunned down while out with friends. He does not have life insurance, so his arrangements have to be paid out of pocket. Any donations made will alleviate the financial burden on Ms. Coretta Robinson. This will lessen the stress and give her more head space to properly grieve the unexpected lost of her son. If you're more comfortable donating to her directly, you may send your blessings via cash app at $cloerobinson68. Thank you for your contributions.


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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Zakyra Jordan
Hammond, IN
Coretta Robinson

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