Celebration of the life of Nicole Groshong
We are celebrating the life of our dear Nicole Groshong. My cousin and all around beautiful person who lost her battle with medical complications. She left this world too early because God knew she was special and needed her as one of his angels.
"What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes part of us.” -Helen Keller
You were only here for a moment, but what an imprint you left on our lives and on our hearts.
Her beloved sister Robin said,
"My sister was a true free spirit, through and through, that cared about others happiness over her own and lived life the way she wanted to, to the fullest, but always putting others first. She lived the life of an 80-year-old in a 36-year-old body and went through so many things no one should ever have to see or go through but she also saw a lot of beautiful things in life and it was her time to be free." Nicole, you are deeply missed and forever loved...