My wife Meghann suffers everyday from primary progressive Multiple Sclerosis. It wasn't until she stopped breastfeeding our only son, that her legs began to give out and a lot of other symptoms arose. She was only 19 years old. So, after a self diagnosis and reluctant family doctor finally giving her an MRI, she was diagnosed. There was no mistaking the countless lesions on her brain and spine. In the following 3.5 years since, she has lost most ability to walk, developed a severe tremor and can no longer perform everyday tasks, most importantly being able to feed herself. Meghann struggles with never-ending fatigue, mental fuzziness, bladder problems, chronic severe pain and burning, not to mention her severe scoliosis causing even more neck and back problems. Needless to say, it has been a rough last couple of years, sifting through ineffective drugs, holistic treatments, and physical therapies. The key word is ineffective...it tears me apart everyday to watch my wife and the mother of my small child slip away from us progressively on a daily basis.
There is currently no treatment for Primary Progressive MS, only unsuccessful attempts at slowing the degeneration. With this fundraiser and your donations we are hoping to raise enough money to give her Stem Cell treatment through Stem Cell of America. Stem cells have been proven to regenerate the myelin shealth around nerves as well as repair the immune system; keeping it from attacking itself.
Please help our struggling family and our beautiful loving wife, daughter, friend and young mother live a deservedly happy, fun-filled long and prosperous life. Thank you all so much.