Central Park Community Garden Gathering Space
Tax deductible
The Central Park Community Garden Association is looking to raise funds to cover the costs of materials for the addition of a gathering space to their existing community park at the corner of NW 31st and Shartel. Allen Parleir and Elia Woods of The Central Park Community Gardens, Commonwealth Urban Farms, Closer to Earth, and the Central Park Neighborhood Association have been tirelessly volunteering with the help of countless neighbors and friends over the past twenty years, creating this community garden space as well as many others. Gabriel Friedman has recently designed and built this sculptural play "deck" and gathering space as a way to reinvigorate the gardens for community use and enjoyment. While Gabriel donated his time and labor, we are looking to offset the cost of the materials as soon as possible, of which 90% were sourced locally and sustainably. This is just phase one in the overall plan to develop the park further into a more accessible and enriching space for this and future generations. Future plans include a children's forest park play area, neighborhood events, including parties and musical performances, and more. We would be so grateful for your help in contributing to our neighborhood and community.
Gabe Friedman
Oklahoma City, OK
Central Park Neighborhood Association