Help Carbon-Neutral Healthcare!
The UK Parliament has declared a climate emergency, recognising that climate change poses a substantial threat to our health.
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare has been working for over 10 years to reduce the NHS carbon footprint – which is massive. The NHS is responsible for more than 5% of all UK greenhouse gas emissions.
The recent huge interest in climate change has created an unprecedented demand for our charity to help people to take action. We need your support to meet the demand.
We are excited to have more and more nurses and doctors contacting us to ask how they can get involved to make a difference. We are doing our best to respond, but the truth is that our small charity - a team of 11 mainly part-time staff plus some great volunteers – simply cannot keep up.
So… we are looking at ways to scale up: applying for grants to improve our online resources and expand our programmes. But in the meantime, taking time to help individuals to get started actually means that we have less time to look for projects that can assure our income.
We need financial support until we receive more long-term funding. We don’t usually do crowdfunding. But this upswing in energy for change is new, and we feel that we have a responsibility to support people who approach us for help – at least to get them started.
We’ve calculated that £20,000 will cover our costs as we take advantage of this opportunity to support more people. We’re starting networks in all areas of medicine, helping people with relevant information and actions, and supporting NHS hospitals and GPs to reduce their carbon footprint by taking practical steps.
This is too big of an opportunity to miss! We still have time to reverse the damage of climate change and shape a more sustainable future for healthcare in the UK. We need everyone to help.
Thanks for reading. Please donate as much as you can and spread the word to a few people you’d like to share with!
Who is the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare?
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare is a charity. Based in Oxford, UK, we are renowned for our work on sustainable healthcare research and practice. We provide strategic input and consultancy to national and local programmes that tackle the carbon footprint of healthcare.
What work does Centre for Sustainable Healthcare do?
We provide support for people engaging in the overlap between health and the climate emergency . We organise talks, debates, workshops and conferences, share tips and information, and run a Sustainability School to share best practice for a sustainable future for healthcare.
Our Sustainable Specialties Programme is designed to mainstream sustainability within clinical areas so that it is integral to the planning of health systems and the practice of healthcare professionals. This is supported by our work in medical education and in carbon modelling of clinical care.
Our green space projects , especially our NHS Forest , assist organisations to improve their natural environment and reconnect their staff, patients and the wider community with their local green space to benefit their health.
How can I get involved?
Sign up to our newsletter , send us an email , follow us on twitter or join a network .
And – please! – donate so that we can do even more.
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare has been working for over 10 years to reduce the NHS carbon footprint – which is massive. The NHS is responsible for more than 5% of all UK greenhouse gas emissions.
The recent huge interest in climate change has created an unprecedented demand for our charity to help people to take action. We need your support to meet the demand.
We are excited to have more and more nurses and doctors contacting us to ask how they can get involved to make a difference. We are doing our best to respond, but the truth is that our small charity - a team of 11 mainly part-time staff plus some great volunteers – simply cannot keep up.
So… we are looking at ways to scale up: applying for grants to improve our online resources and expand our programmes. But in the meantime, taking time to help individuals to get started actually means that we have less time to look for projects that can assure our income.
We need financial support until we receive more long-term funding. We don’t usually do crowdfunding. But this upswing in energy for change is new, and we feel that we have a responsibility to support people who approach us for help – at least to get them started.
We’ve calculated that £20,000 will cover our costs as we take advantage of this opportunity to support more people. We’re starting networks in all areas of medicine, helping people with relevant information and actions, and supporting NHS hospitals and GPs to reduce their carbon footprint by taking practical steps.
This is too big of an opportunity to miss! We still have time to reverse the damage of climate change and shape a more sustainable future for healthcare in the UK. We need everyone to help.
Thanks for reading. Please donate as much as you can and spread the word to a few people you’d like to share with!
Who is the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare?
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare is a charity. Based in Oxford, UK, we are renowned for our work on sustainable healthcare research and practice. We provide strategic input and consultancy to national and local programmes that tackle the carbon footprint of healthcare.
What work does Centre for Sustainable Healthcare do?
We provide support for people engaging in the overlap between health and the climate emergency . We organise talks, debates, workshops and conferences, share tips and information, and run a Sustainability School to share best practice for a sustainable future for healthcare.
Our Sustainable Specialties Programme is designed to mainstream sustainability within clinical areas so that it is integral to the planning of health systems and the practice of healthcare professionals. This is supported by our work in medical education and in carbon modelling of clinical care.
Our green space projects , especially our NHS Forest , assist organisations to improve their natural environment and reconnect their staff, patients and the wider community with their local green space to benefit their health.
How can I get involved?
Sign up to our newsletter , send us an email , follow us on twitter or join a network .
And – please! – donate so that we can do even more.
Centre for Sustainable Healthcare