Cereal Box Mosaic Supporting Ukraine
Tax deductible
Sponsorship Information
Please help us achieve this goal by sponsoring our mosaic. Kellogg's has generously donated 5,000 boxes of cereal. Each of the boxes can be sponsored for $25/ea. with an ultimate goal of raising $25,000 for Ukraine.
Sponsorship levels:
Individual Cereal Boxes $25 each
Yellow Sponsor $250
Blue Sponsor $500
Flag Sponsor $1,000
Custom Donation
We are raising funds for Razom to support the people of Ukraine as well as fighting hunger here in Chicago by attempting to set a new world record for the largest cereal box mosaic. Kellogg's has generously donated 5,000 boxes of cereal used to create the Ukrainian flag (Rice Krispies for the blue and Corn Pops for the yellow). Once the mosaic is complete, Kellogg's will donate the cereal to the Greater Chicago Food Depository.
We will build the mosaic over three days (August 10-12) in Wintrust Financial Corporation's iconic Grand Banking Hall.
Lara Shiffman
Chicago, IL
Razom, Inc.