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Gabefund: Hope for ADHD & OCD

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Gabe is the oldest of our 5 children. He is a diagnosed genius that battles severe ADHD and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder as well as explosive anger disorder. For the past three years, we've tried everything from medication, to counseling, to homeschooling, to public schooling with a team of twenty different tutors and mentors-- but with no success. Last November, he was charged by the state police with a felony and two misdemeanors for shattering a pencil into his brother's knee.

We searched around the country and placed him in a private school in Kirbyville, Missouri called "Future Men" www.futuremen.net where he has an apprenticeship twice a week, 9 mentors, high school tutoring, and 7 hours of weekly counseling. He has been there since January and is thriving. We took out a 30-thousand dollar loan to cover the first 8 months, but that loan ends September 8th, and we don't have the means for a second loan. We have seen growth in Gabe we've never seen before: a peaceful cadence, gentle confidence, a good work ethic, he is a gifted graphic artist that's striving for college, he's thriving in high school for the first time, he's showing respect for those in leadership, and has earned the favor of not one, but two apprenticeships.

We give Gabe updates on our Facebook page (Sarah Harnisch) as well as his blog: www.gabefund.wordpress.com Thank you for listening to his story. There is hope for kids with severe ADHD. We believe this is not the end of Gabe's story!


  • Anonym
    • $200
    • 10 yrs


Sarah Harnisch
Bath, NY

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