Street Support Action Group Southampton was formed in 2017 with a community-led approach to help make Southampton a city where no-one needs to sleep rough or beg.
On 19th & 20th January 2018 over 70 people representing all sectors in Southampton came together for a city conversation to look at issues relating to street homelessness. Arising from this came a strong sense of shared commitment to work together to tackle the complex issues raised and to take forward ideas in practical ways through action groups.
Street Support Action Group Southampton are working together to support the Change The Way You Give campaign to make sure your money reaches those who really need help.
Homelessness is something we wouldn't wish on anyone. People in Southampton who are homeless and on the street are often wet and freezing cold and very vulnerable. They are at risk of verbal and physical abuse and have increased health risks. They are a very diverse group and are there for a variety of different reasons.
Your donations will support projects that have been selected by the Street Support Action Group Southampton panel with input from individuals with lived experience of homelessness in Southampton.
This initiative will support Southampton-based homelessness charities such as Two Saints, Society of St James, No Limits who provide invaluable support for rough sleepers as well as others in need.
The charities provide a wide range of support to people from all walks of life experiencing homelessness, problematic alcohol or substance use and mental health problems.
Through the Change The Way You Give campaign, your donations will provide support for those in need and help them enter accommodation in Southampton. Funds will support charities offer a caring environment, support, advice and awareness to the vulnerable people of Southampton.
Several Southampton churches opened a winter shelter in 2019, which provided hot food, good company and a simple bed overnight. Further support was provided for rough sleepers in thew following years. The Change the Way you Give Campaign will support the winter provision this year.
The money will be collected by Southampton Voluntary Services on behalf of the Street Support Action Group and will be distributed to the charities selected by the group and people with lived experience of homelessness. If you are interested in putting forward a project, please contact Southampton Street Support Network streetsupport.net/southampton
Street Support Action Group Southampton
southampton voluntary services