Ami's Bar Mitzvah Fundraiser
Tax deductible
Hi, I want to raise money for this great cause for my bar mitzvah. Instead of presents, please donate to the AMF.
Please click HERE to see a video of my Powerpoint presentation and narration on why I chose this charity.
To save a single life it is estimated to cost $3,000 so my goal is to try to save 3 people! As our tradition says "To save a peson is to save a whole entire world!" (Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5 see manuscript for an universalistic view.)
I chose the AMF as my charity because it is the most efficient in the malaria sector, a parasite which kills over 600K yearly- the majority of them children. I liked AMF's transparency in comparison to other charities. With the AMF you know exactly what your paying for (Nets) and how much it costs, with a pretty consistent impact: Studies show that the usage of nets lower malaria by 41-56%. It uses a hundred percent of its donations to fund nets and I felt I could make a clear and direct impact to better the world in a small way. Please join me in my efforts to save three people's lives! Thank you so much!
Thanks so much.
Amihai Aisenthal Berkovits
Brookline, MA
The Against Malaria Foundation (US)