Charity Walk to fund DA DV Charity Ball
Donation protected
Hi my name is Farrah and I am a survivor of Domestic Abuse and Violence.
An attack happened to me at the end of March we’re by I am very lucky to be alive.
I believe I am still here for a reason , I believe I need to do all I can to help others.
100000+ people in the UK are at high and imminent risk of being murdered or seriously injured as a result of domestic abuse.
7 women per month are killed by a current or a former partner in England and Wales
62% of children living with domestic abuse are directly harmed by the perpetrator of the abuse, in addition to the harm caused by witnessing the abuse of others.
Survivors are 3 times likely to meet the criteria for PTSD
Survivors are 3 times more likely to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder
We as human beings need to not make this subject not difficult to talk about and we need to ensure everyone feels comfortable to express and also to seek any help needed before women, men and children are made statistics.
I am in the process of organising a Charity Ball at the end of this year however as you can appreciate the funds to organise an event at this scale is quite big, so I have decided to do the Yorkshire 3 peaks challenge in under 10 hours, in order to raise money for the Charity event following so every little would help!
Normally to complete this challenge they state it at under 12 hours , so with zero training , not much time to prepare myself I’m going to do my best , even if my lung was collapsed only shy of 4 months ago!
I will do anything to ensure the event moving forward is the best I can possibly make it to raise all the awareness needed for Domestic Abuse and Violence.
Wish me luck and thankyou in advance for all the love and support in doing this.
Farrah Jones