Charlie Bersch Funeral Expenses
Those of you who know Charlie, know what a stubborn but lovable man he was. We had many laughs ( usually at his expense). He was an
indelible part of our tiny community especially at Joes Tavern and New Street Pub where you could always count on Charlie being there
after eating his Haddock or Flounder meal at Sibris Restaurant.
Charlie's family would like to have some sort of service for him, but he didn't plan for this day, nor did he have the means. You all know what a funeral costs and I'm not sure how much we can raise, but at least a cremation and a memorial would be great. If we can reach the
$6,000 goal Charlie's sisters will have enough to bury him. Anything you can contribute will go toward funeral expenses and if there is anything left over, the rest will be used for food and/or drinks for his memorial or celebration of life.
Thank you so much for your contributions!