Charlie Sparks Memorial Fund
Hi Everyone! Our father Charlie passed unexpectedly on August 24th, 2021. We have found out his diagnosis of non small cell lung cancer less than a month ago. By the time he was diagnosed to the time his health declined we had no options. Fortunately he was surrounded by his family on the last days of his life. Our dad passed with his children holding his hands as he went onto be with Jesus.
There have been some unexpected costs that have came up and we are asking for a little bit of help. Charlie had many friends and brought joy to so many with his music. We hope that his spirit can live on and a portion of the funds will go toward his grandchildren's education. He loved his three sweet granddaughters (Josie, Izzy, and Eliza).
Our dad was not expecting to leave this earth on Tuesday, but we want everyone to know that he passed peacefully. He will be forever in our hearts. We love you daddio aka Chaz, aka Jr.!