Charlies charity fundraiser for the NHS
we’re raising money for the amazing NHS staff at the Great North Children’s Hospitals that looked after our beautiful boy.
Charlie was diagnosed with CCAM (Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation) when I was 20 weeks pregnant, and when he was born his lung collapsed. After routine CT scans to check on his cysts we were twice given the devastating news that they thought our beautiful boy had cancer. Charlie had surgery at 17 months old on January 4th to remove the bottom lobe of his left lung so that they could do a biopsy to check if Charlies cysts were cancerous. Miraculously on January 12th we received the most amazing phone call off Charlies fantastic consultant to tell us that his biopsy was all clear and they couldn’t find any cancer!!
we have received the most amazing news we could’ve possibly hoped for and we literally owe our lives to the phenomenal NHS staff that have looked after and treat our boy - we are in absolute awe and forever grateful for the surgeon who perfumed such a serious operation on our sweet boy and did the most fantastic job at making sure it went well and Charlie was safe. Me and Charlies dad, Will, feel that the leastwe can do to say thank you is to fundraise for the NHS and more specifically for the beautiful teams/units that looked after Charlie.
the majority of what we raise will go to the Cardiothoracic unit at the Freeman hospital as the care they gave to both Charlie and us was honestly amazing! The PICU nurses are the loveliest, most hardworking people I’ve ever met. There’s so many poorly children on the ward and they do their absolute best to comfort and support the children and their parents. The restof the money will be split between the respiratory ward at the RVI who have looked after ourboy since he was born; Charlies consultant is amazing, he always goes above and beyond! And a CCAM charity.
if anyone would like to donate we’d be so so grateful i know not everyone is in a position to donate but even if you could share this page it would really mean the world to us!
Thank you x