Help Chelsea Beat Cancer!
This is the story of how an otherwise healthy 32 year-old ended up in the second fight for her life.
When Chelsea was 6 weeks pregnant, her family lost her mother Suzan to breast cancer. Nine months later, Chelsea and her boyfriend Matt named their daughter Rocket Sue in her mom's honor.While Chelsea was still recovering from the homebirth, the Thomas fire broke out, causing Rocket’s first car ride to be an evacuation. They evacuated 3 cats, 3 horses, and a newborn and were unable to return for 3 weeks, until right before Christmas.
Then, 6 months postpartum, shortly after discovering their home was infested with toxic mold, Chelsea spontaneously went into liver failure. A trip to urgent care for an abnormally low temperature turned into an emergency helivac to the UCLA medical center. She spent a week in the ICU, separated from Rocket, with a highly uncertain future.
After narrowly escaping a liver transplant, Chelsea's family headed home, only to be displaced from their mold-infested rental. With no time to recover from the hospitalization, they ended up homeless for 2 months, living between tents and hotels.
When they finally found a temporary rental, it quickly degraded into an unhealthy living environment, leading to a legal battle and another displacement at Christmastime. Chelsea ended up back in the ER with pneumonia.
Once in a new house with the new year ahead of them, Chelsea thought the worst was over and her little family finally had a chance at a normal life.
Instead, Chelsea began experiencing mysterious health problems again. In April, she discovered what she thought was a clogged milk duct. Little did she know at the time, it was actually a rapidly growing tumor.
When the clog didn't resolve and her lymph nodes became swollen, Chelsea saw a doctor and had an ultrasound done, yielding suspicious results. She saw a general surgeon who suspected a lactational abscess and recommended having it drained. When Chelsea went in to have the abscess biopsied, she learned it wasn't an abscess at all. The following morning, she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.
Chelsea now faces her greatest challenge yet. The cancer is highly aggressive and has already spread to her lymph nodes.
Her situation is urgent.After consulting with numerous doctors, Chelsea put together a treatment plan combining the best of both traditional and integrative care. She has health insurance, but many parts of the treatment plan are not covered. This fundraiser was created to help ensure that Chelsea can get the treatment and support she needs in time to win this battle and survive to raise her little girl.
Thank you for being a part of Chelsea’s support system. ♥️ Each donation and every single share is appreciated more than you know.
You can follow Chelsea's treatment by connecting with her on Facebook or Instagram or by joining the Facebook group Journey Back to Health .
Fundraising team: Team Chelsea (2)