Cheyenne is an 18 year old boy with CHARGE Syndrome. He has had to overcome many challenges in his life. The fact that he is alive is a miracle. Since birth he has proved to be truly unique. He does not fit into category, box, or niche. He works hard to overcome on a daily basis. You would never know he can't see much beyond 3 feet. He loves to ride bikes. He gets to ride at school in PE. Cheyenne is deafblind and has some balance issues due to his CHARGE Syndrome. Riding independently is not possible. I have wanted a way for him to be able to ride safely at home since this is one sport that he can and wants to participate in. The bike that we are looking to purchase is a tandem tricycle with multiple features that would enable him to safely be able to explore the many bike trails and parks in and around our neighborhood. This bike allows him to sit in front and feel the wind in his face. The steering and braking are controlled by the caregiver riding on the back. The three wheels help to provide stability for balance. Electric-assist motor means that we can return home safely when he is too tired to help pedal. This amazing gift could give Cheyenne a chance to do something many kids do in a safe manner. We, his family, want to thank you for your help in giving him this gift. I appreciate you.