Chey Hospital Support Care Fund
On June 3rd 2017 my young daughter Chey, who is 21, was bitten by a brown recluse spider in her home in South Surrey. This began a medical nightmare none of us could have comprehended before it happened, and even now, it still seems surreal were it not for the agony we've been through as a family, and Chey who must confront the unimaginable as a young woman whose life is now forever changed.
As a result of the spider bite Chey also contracted the dreaded flesh-eating disease. In an effort to save her life from the flesh eating bacteria, Chey's right leg was amputated below the knee, and other areas of her body were also attacked and required surgery, which will also require much medical care in the weeks and months ahead. I can honestly say I've never seen anything like this, and when you see it happening to your own child.... there are no words that can describe it. In my deepest, darkest moments, what really got me through was words of prayer. Sometimes my prayer was 'Help me.' Sometimes my prayer was 'Thank you.'.
Chey was on life support for and put into an induced coma to for close to two weeks, Chey did not learn the heartbreaking news about her amputation until several days after she came out of the coma. That was the most difficult part of the ordeal telling her she had lost her foot and part of her leg. As a young girl this has devasted her.
Chey is still fighting off the flesh eating disease, and though we have hope that it will be contained hopefully soon, she is still vulnerable. Once recovered, Chey is facing many months of hospilization and intense rehabilitation to learn to walk again. She will need many things once out of the hospital, walker, wheelchair, special toilet, and of course a prosthetic leg and as always unforseen things. We will be raising funds for a prostectic leg and other things once we have a better idea of what she needs. But right now she needs the love and support of her family at her bedside. Our costs and lack of income during this time are adding up to financial stress on top of everything else. We are looking for any assistance you can give to help us as a family to make it through this terrible chapter. Any donation can help us for gas, food, hospital parking, and extras for her room like a television are greatly appreciated! I am with a humble heart...Thank you so much for all of the support, prayers, love and good thoughts so many have sent our way.