Help Julie “Drop CANCER Like it’s HOT!”
Her kids call her "Mom", to her husband she is "Sugar Britches", "Oma" to her grandchildren and to her nieces and nephews she is their "Nanny". But when she answered her phone the day the doctor called he called Julie "sick". He said it is cancer and it's in it's last stage. The doctor also numbered her days but said with treatment she might catch a break and extend them.
I am certain that this is something not one of us ever expected to hear because if you know Julie she is anything but sick. She is a Fighter! Warrior! A Winner! Lover of life! She loves her family and the friends that have become family. Her smile is contagious and and even through all of this, still shines so bright!
Her treatment starts soon. Full blown radical retaliation "cancer killing" plan of attack. It will be hard, but Julie is going in with gloves on and both barrels loaded not backing down from this hateful disease.
She and Billie Ray need our help. The doctor has ordered her not to work and to focus on treatment, so between daily trips for radiation, weekly chemo appointments, medical bills, medications, and just the normal cost of living we want to do what we can to help her! If you prefer to donate in another form feel free to message her daughter, Amber Littlejohn through this page and we can give options!
If you can’t help financially... pray. If you don't believe in prayer... hope.
But whatever you do, don't doubt and for sure NEVER speak into the atmosphere anything but LIFE about my little sister Julie.
Declare "She will LIVE AND NOT DIE!"
Father I lift Julie up to YOU,
Creator God You are YAHWEH, the Righteous One.
You have taught us by your Holy Spirit that if we would repent and look only to YOU,
If we would bow our hearts and cry "ABBA Father" YOU will hear us
There is nothing to far out of reach for Your outstretched hand so we ask for YOUR healing touch for Julie.
In the Mighty Matchless Name of Jesus
~a joy-full heart is good like medicine~